
UNI EN ISO 3834-2: 2021 + UNI EN ISO 3834-5: 2021
The validity of this certificate is subject to periodic annual surveillance and to the complete review of the management system every three years. Certificate No. PDC-23-0321-C219-0022 complies with the UNI...
UNI EN ISO 3834-2: 2021 + UNI EN ISO 3834-5: 2021
The validity of this certificate is subject to periodic annual surveillance and to the complete review of the management system every three years. Certificate No. PDC-23-0321-C219-0022 complies with the UNI...

EN 1090-1:2009 + A1:2011
Certificate of Conformity of Factory Production Control Certificate n° 2942-CPR-0046 In compliance with Regulation No. 30Sj2011jEU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 (Construction Products...
EN 1090-1:2009 + A1:2011
Certificate of Conformity of Factory Production Control Certificate n° 2942-CPR-0046 In compliance with Regulation No. 30Sj2011jEU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 (Construction Products...

Certificate of denunciation of the activity of the Transformation Center N.3426/16 In compliance with the Ministerial Decree dated 14 January 2008 "Technical Standards for Construction" we hereby certify that the...
Certificate of denunciation of the activity of the Transformation Center N.3426/16 In compliance with the Ministerial Decree dated 14 January 2008 "Technical Standards for Construction" we hereby certify that the...

SOA - 2019 IT
Certificate of qualification for the execution of public worksIdentification code: 03657950659Authorisation: n.31 of 28/12/2000
SOA - 2019 IT
Certificate of qualification for the execution of public worksIdentification code: 03657950659Authorisation: n.31 of 28/12/2000

ISO 45001 - 2018 IT
CERTIFICATE N° 3903032 It has been assessed and found to comply with the Standard ISO 45001:2018 applicable to Design, production and installation of metal carpentry. Construction and maintenance of building...
ISO 45001 - 2018 IT
CERTIFICATE N° 3903032 It has been assessed and found to comply with the Standard ISO 45001:2018 applicable to Design, production and installation of metal carpentry. Construction and maintenance of building...

ISO 9001 - 2015 IT
CERTIFICATE N° 011498121 It has been verified by Centro Certificazione Qualità Srl and was found to comply with the ISO 9001:2015 standard Italian language certificate
ISO 9001 - 2015 IT
CERTIFICATE N° 011498121 It has been verified by Centro Certificazione Qualità Srl and was found to comply with the ISO 9001:2015 standard Italian language certificate